
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Team of Helping Hands aid the Homeless

 Thank you Connie.  Connie and I used to work together.  She's had a rather tough year with medical issues of her own, followed by caring for her elderly Mother-in-Law.  But, even with her own overly busy life and many hard issues to deal with, she's thought of us here on Bridge and Beyond and the homeless folks we care for.  That's pretty special in my book.  Connie's Mother-in-Law used to crochet and after her passing and the necessary cleaning out one's household, Connie found pieces parts of an afghan her Mother-in-Law had started to make.  Opening the box and laying things out to see what we had to work with, you can see lots of brightly colored squares.  Some are partially attached, some aren't.  Plus, there's some black yarn, used for the edging.
 After further separation, it appears she perhaps changed her mind on how to assemble the afghan, and or perhaps there were several people working on this.  This is only speculation, can see in the foreground squares attached on the diagonal.  Towards the middle of the picture you see where squares were attached in rows.  Though the rows weren't joined I laid them out to count and determine how many would be needed to continue in this vane.  These are small 4 inch squares and in a couple of the rows there were 15 attached to make a row.  Farther back are the un-joined squares.  Counting and measuring tells me there's not enough to continue with 15 squares in a row, so separating the squares was next on my list.
As I begin to separate the squares, both those joined in rows and those joined diagonally, I realized some were stitched together, some were crocheted together and in some cases both was done in the same row........again making me wonder if multiple people had started assembling.  There were some I was unable to separate, but as you can see, squares are now ready to be re-counted and designed into an afghan.  I also thought, this would give me the opportunity to see how many of each there were to determine if Connie's Mother-in-Law had a pattern, color-wise in mind as she was making her squares.  I don't believe so, as there are many singles, while others have 2-4 of the same color, and a few have a nice stack of 8-10.  Not a problem, certainly it will be brightly colored, and cheerful once I get it assembled.

Please stayed tuned and check in to see the progress.  Many thanks Connie for your thoughtfulness during a time in your life when it would have been easy, just simply not to bother with passing this along.  I'm sure your Mother-in-Law would be pleased to know her work will be continued.

*A team of helping hands aid the homeless, the title of this post seems so appropriate, Connie's MIL, Connie and now me; and perhaps there were others involved as well*

I always name afghans and the first that came to mind was something I've already used Kaleidoscope.  Open to suggestions here folks........thoughts?

Hats: 619
Scarves: 331
Socks: 141
Afghans: 16
Slippers: 77
Rain Ponchos: 61
Mittens & Gloves: 68
Cotton Washcloths: 247
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts, and Shrugs etc. 13
Neck warmers, cowls, gators, wrists warmers/fingerless gloves and other misc items aren't tabulated; as well as personal care item

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Sandy...this made me think of a stained glass window, like you would find in a church or older library. What a true treasure to find! A labor of love, continued on!

  2. Sandy...this made me think of a stained glass window, like you would find in a church or older library. What a true treasure to find! A labor of love, continued on!

  3. No clue what all those numbers above are, or whom left the comment. Stained glass....not a bad idea. Hope others chime in. Also, whomever left above comment, could you please use the name and url option in the drop down box, normally your comment would end up in the spam folder with all those numbers instead of a name or means of me to contact you. Thanks.

  4. Following the link for the long stream of numbers gives me this error message "No identity page for opaque identifiers" clue what that means. Is this an open ID signature? Not very open for sure, can't follow it or know whom left the comment. Folks even if you're here from Facebook, you can leave your name and the url to your facebook profile page if you're not a blogger.

  5. marj in minnesota/ 50 degreesOctober 8, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    Hi all, this is a truly lovely set of blocks. I did a set of blocks like this for my sisters crochet group some months ago and they just sent me a picture of the outcome. Was thrilled as I am sure you will be when you finish this one, Sandy. Sometimes I think two people working on one set makes a different look and more interesting.It is amazing how a bunch of granny squares can come together to make a beautiful blanket. Good luck with this one, Sandy, it will be worth the effort I am sure. Have a happy day..

  6. Sandy sorry to hear about your friend Connie mother in law passing. Good luck with the afghan .Rosemarie

  7. That will be a nice afghan when it is done. It will sure brighten up soneone day when they see it. Stained glass windows is a good name for it. Thank you Connie for passing along all those squares. It does sound like a few people worked on it, and now more are working on it. Such a good thing.


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