
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hats and Mittens for Many Donated

 Warmies for the kiddos!  Various sized hats and mittens to help warm lots of school age and younger kiddo's.  Look at that cute cute Buckeye hat with tabs in the center.  Click to enlarge folks it's adorable!  These warm items are crochet by our newest pair of helping hands, Erin P a local Buckeye.  Welcome to the group Erin, we're thrilled you found us and look forward to seeing you here often on Bridge and Beyond.  Since you're sorta local, maybe one of these days we can meet face to face.  Always love meeting up with such good hearted crafters.
Erin also crocheted hats and mittens for the women and the men.  These hats and mittens are various adult sizes and colors to fit a variety of adult heads, both male and female.  I personally love those hats with the folded brim.  These are very nice and stretchy and therefore truly fit a variety of heads.  The brim can be as is, or pulled down for added coverage.  Very versatile!

Folks my new work space probably won't provide us with as large a photo space, or as good of lighten for photo's; but Dear hubby set up an area for me with a table and space for boxes so I don't have to crawl around on the living room floor and duck if he's watching tv.  Shipping and receiving, as we affectionately call all your awesome donations is now located in the basement, where I was keeping warm with our kerosene heater when we were without heat.  Thank you repair man.........we're fixed up now.

I have shelving there in the basement as well, so this will be a good work space without my taking over the living room.

End of year totals not to far off, so please keep checking in.  While we are indeed into the new year, 2014...these and some remaining donations were received in 2013 and will therefore be added to 2013 totals.

**Did everyone see yesterday's post?  If not, please scroll back...I need to identify the previous donation**

2013 Donations:

Hats: 920+11=24=955
Scarves: 611
Socks: 392
Afghans: 52
Slippers: 211
Rain Ponchos: 208
Mittens: 150+12=5=167
Cotton Wash Clothes: 765
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 17
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators/neckwarners and all meal prep related items, Dolls, associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


    WELCOME ERIN. Beautiful job. Thank you for helping the homeless. This winter has been so much worse then anyone expected. Prayers for the homeless and thank you again for your support. GOOD JOB.

  2. What a wonderful job, Erin! So many more warm heads and hands because of your beautiful donation. Thanks for joining the group!

  3. Welcome Erin!! Great donation of hats & mittens! They are so needed in this cold weather we have been having.

  4. What an amazing donation, and all the colors & sizes will help make sure even more people can keep warm this winter.

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'm glad to be able to help!


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