
Monday, October 14, 2013


Spotted this the other day on Facebook so thought I'd share it.  Cute logo, but I wasn't aware there was only 1 day to LOVE yarn.  I know you agree....don't we all love it all the time.  Love to look at it, love to squeeze it, love to work with it!

Apparently The Yarn Council has deemed October 11th (which happens to be my hubby's birthday) as I Love Yarn Day.  Well, I officially missed it this year......not his birthday though.  But, I am actually noting that on the calendar so I'll be prepared come October 11th next year.  Suggest you do the same.

How does one celebrate that day...........Massive Yarn Shopping!  Seems to be the only logical answer to me.  How bout you?

If you missed my previous blog post on reflecting on donations, check it out HERE.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. How funny! I was out on I Love Yarn Day buying yarn for oven towels for an eldrly aunt, at her request.(Now I have to figure out how to make them) Anyway, everyday is I Love Yarn Day for me. Needles up ladies. Time to get going. 37 degrees in Minnesota this morning. Wearing my hooded Packer sweatshirt.Praying for the homeless.Preparing box

  2. Nicely said Marj.....and right you are everyday is love yarn for us.

  3. Every day is I love yarn day! I don't know when I have not knitted at least a row or more every day.

  4. Sandy just to let you know I was here, and I sent you a box of goodie. You should get it by Friday Rosemarie


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