
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Donations for the Homeless to Welcome in September

Thank you Marie P from Tennessee from your donation of knitted hats and socks!  Very nice indeed.  Love the colors in the green hat towards the bottom of the picture.  Socks are always needed by all the shelters, as well as our men out on the street.  Please keep up the good work.  Always a pleasure to see you here on Bridge and Beyond.

Goodness, I can't believe today is September.  I for 1 am not at all happy about the quick passing of time, the beginning of fall.  Nope, not at all.  I know with fall here what lies ahead is a nasty winter.  I dislike winter more and more with each year I age, and I am ever grateful to have a roof over my head.

You all may have noticed it's been awhile since we've had a post every day, that's because donations are down.  Typically they do fall off during the summer months and I try to keep things active with other information here; but even with that this summer we had fairly large gaps of no new posts.  Hoping with Labor Day Weekend here, which signals for most of us back to school, end of summer, fall and football; that people will welcome yarn back into their daily activities.

I'd like to push once again for people to visit, to read, and to COMMENT.  Those are all things you can do even when time is short to knit or crochet.  It does indeed help the blog and it's placement.  If you don't comment, we don't know that you've visited, or read new information.  You do not need to be a blogger to comment.  You do not need to be computer savvy to leave a comment.  It's fast and it's easy.  PLEASE, take time to read the tabs of the items you're making so the items you make and donate comply with the guidelines.

Happy Labor Day one and all, if you're traveling be safe

2013 Donations:

Hats: 483+3=486
Scarves: 364
Socks: 224+3=227
Afghans: 43
Slippers: 172
Rain Ponchos: 208
Mittens: 91
Cotton Wash Clothes: 524
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 14
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators and all meal prep related items, Dolls &and ; associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. THE HATS ARE BEAUTIFUL MARIE.SepT. and Oct. are two of my favorite months because of the change in the season, but I am sure if I was living under a bridge I would be dreading winter too much to enjoy fall. Will try hard to hold up my end and I am sure the other ladies will be doing the same.We are a caring group, wanting to help.:+)AGAIN, GOOD JOB MARIE

  2. The hats are so beautiful Marie! I too like the one in the your color combination. Marj September and October are also my favorite months. I love the beautiful colors and cooler temps. The older I get the more I dislike the hot temps of summer. Marie keep your needles flying! LOVE this group!

  3. Love your hats, Marie.

  4. Very nice hats Marie! More warm heads & feet this winter!

  5. Marie I love that hat pattern. Looks like it would fit a variety of head sizes and also the brim could be folded up for extra warmth. Great job.


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