
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cast Off and Move On

Just spotted this on facebook and it cracked me up.  First thing I thought of was Cast off Woman!

Haven't had many donations of late folks so posts haven't been updated as often as I like.  Hint hint, wink wink.

 WOOT WOOT, messed around more and found the page somehow hidden...but please still feel free to let us know if you have a good pattern to add!!  Here's the Mitten Tab.

Folks, if you missed the  post where I included a graph of how we're doing with each of the items we knit and crochet and donate and compared it to this time last year.  Please click HERE

2013 Donations:

Hats:  399
Scarves: 315
Socks: 224
Afghans: 32
Slippers: 162
Rain Ponchos: 203
Mittens: 77
Cotton Wash Clothes: 449
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts etc. : 14
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand-warmers, cowls/gators and all meal prep related items, Dolls &and ; associated items, stuffed/crocheted/knitted toys... etc aren't tabulated.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Still working on trying to fill that big box Sandy. Today I will have another pair of mittens to put into it! Stay cool Ladies! Hot and humid here. Hard to think about knitting!

  2. Have a box of wash clothes and personal items ready to come. Still working on a box of winter stuff, that will be a little longer I am afraid:) 2 inches of rain here in two hours, and me on the road with my granddaughter heading for bible school instruction.No problem. Has been 90 all week. Gardens love it. 90 again today. HUMID! TAKE CARE EVERYONE.

  3. Cute cartoon..I have got 3 scarves done, working on #4. Also have a hat & some washcloths that are done. You will be getting a box from me (I hope soon).

  4. Sally, Marj, and SSeger many thanks for your visits and comments. Right you all are...this weather...crazy and tough to deal with it...even when we have a roof over our heads.


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