
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Help for Homeless with Donations from Georgia

 Thank you Diana K from Georgia for your thoughtful donation.  Looks like Diana has been crocheting even in her sleep with this generous donation.  A checkerboard afghan.  I love these colors together.  Very nice!
 Took several pictures as I was unloading the box.  A ripple style scarf and mound of crocheted cotton washcloths which are always a hit.
 And the final layer in box of donations, another afghan, scarf, and more cotton washcloths, plus a couple of small hats.  Nicely done done Diana.  Everything is so very much appreciated.  Please keep up the good work!

2013 Donations:

Hats:  363+3=366
Scarves: 283+2=285
Socks: 182
Afghans: 22+2=24
Slippers: 132
Rain Ponchos: 202
Mittens: 22
Cotton Wash Clothes: 300+49=349
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 10
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, handwarmers, cowls/gators and all meal prep related items, etc aren't tabulated

 **ANNOUNCEMENT: Until further notice we will stop collecting plastic bags, and kitchen containers.  We're nicely stocked up on those items for Rae's feeding the hungry ministry.  Thank you to all who've helped.  We will continue to collect plastic silver ware for the same cause for a while longer, so please stay tuned.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. marj in minnesotaMay 25, 2013 at 6:44 AM

    HATS OFF, DIANA!! How very sweet and thoughtful you are. Did you do this all yourself or did yu have a whole army of help? You have earned your place in heaven as my mother would have said.Thank you from the many you have helped with this gift.

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself Marj! Diana this is awesome! Your hook has been flying! Either you don't sleep or you crochet in your sleep! In any case thank you SO MUCH! Keep up the GREAT work!

  3. Thank you Marj and Sally, I'm sure Diana appreciate's the kind words. YOu two are so good about showing support for our fellow members, much appreciated.

  4. WOW & WOW! Great donation Diana. You have been very busy. That donation will sure help lots of people.

  5. Awesome donation Diana. Many people will be very happy!

  6. Very nice donation Diana. I love it all but especially the afghans. Keep up the good work and thanks for donating to our central Ohio Homeless.

  7. What a generous gal! Love the checkerboard - blue and purple if the computer is showing me the proper colors. Nice job!

  8. What a great donation.

  9. Yes Sandie, you have the colors right. Thanks all for the supportive comments.


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