
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Green Acres Is The Place for Me

Fess up, who's singing the song right along with me after reading the title?  

Green acres is the place to be
Farm living is the life for me
Land spreading out,
so far and wide
Keep Manhattan,
just give me that countryside.

It was a fun little show, pretty corny and predictable but cute, entertaining, and non violent.  Anyway, Green Acres is what came to mind as I was designing this afghan.  I also thought of Grape Vine?  But thought the green was more abundant and obvious then the purple.  Probably will edge and join with dark green.

If you see any of your squares here, please sing out.  Most of these are crocheted, but there are some knitted squares.  While not all are the same size, they're not too far off.

 ****For all people in google+ and Disgus Blog folks, I've written about problems I'm seeing all over the net in the last week to 10 days.  If you're losing visitors, and comments and wonder what's going on, PLEASE read this post.  And respond, there's been much discussion and I'm trying to help folks by getting the word out.  If you're considering joining google+, I would encourage you to hold for awhile until the fix for this problem is more at hand**** 

As you know May's focus is hats.  Please review the information in the hat tab across the top of the blog to be certain you're up to date regarding sizes, colors, fibers etc. needed to make our donations meet the need.
*Oh and please remember to attach a size tag to ALL hats.  Use string, yarn, safety pin.  Labels don't have to be fancy folks, but knowing the size is really needed by all the shelters, as well as schools to know how to store and distribute to the appropriate people in need.

2013 Donations:

Hats:  361
Scarves: 276
Socks: 182
Afghans: 20
Slippers: 132
Rain Ponchos: 202
Mittens: 22
Cotton Wash Clothes: 275
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 10
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. marj from minnesotaMay 15, 2013 at 6:26 AM

    One of my favorite color groupings. I love all these colors and Green Acres is as good as any. It was 98 degrees here yesterday and I spent the afternoon in the A/C with iced tea, crocheting, in purples and greens. Outside today hopefully, into my own Green Acres. Keep up the good work. Love it.

  2. Thanks Marj for the visit and comment. We started our dark and very cool, though it did warm up about supper time.

  3. I love the colors and the name Green Acres!
    What is with this weather, 98 in Minnesota and here in Virginia had to turn the heat back on for the past two days!

  4. marj in minnesotaMay 15, 2013 at 9:35 AM

    You can sure have some of the heat Dorothy. I think we had enough for everyone. Earliest it has been that high here this early in 80 years.Yikes. Take care.

  5. I love it all Sandy! You crack me up! Perfect name and Perfect colors!

  6. Love the name and the color combo! Does anyone remember the old t v. Show called petticoat junction? Maybe you could do a series of Afghans with old t v series names!LOL! It was chilly here in NJ today and needed to put the heat up like Dorothy did. Please keep your heat where you are as I much prefer the cooler temps!

  7. Sure do remember Petticoat Jnction and Green Acres.
    Now it's 82 here in Va! Like I said what's with the weather?


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