
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Donated Squares, Designed Afghans to aid Homeless

Daisy Ghan, what else could this one be called, lol.  Lots of pretty colors here with squares from several people, I think...the solid colors are from a couple of pairs of helping hands.  This is yet another afghan I designed in my multi-day design craze awhile back.  I dumped all the squares, new and old and played and played and played tossing knitted and crocheted squares here there and everywhere.  This one will most likely get edged and assembled with off white.

As you know May's focus is hats.  Please review the information in the hat tab across the top of the blog to be certain you're up to date regarding sizes, colors, fibers etc. needed to make our donations meet the need.
*Oh and please remember to attach a size tag to ALL hats.  Use string, yarn, safety pin.  Labels don't have to be fancy folks, but knowing the size is really needed by all the shelters, as well as schools to know how to store and distribute to the appropriate people in need.

2013 Donations:

Hats:  361
Scarves: 276
Socks: 182
Afghans: 20
Slippers: 132
Rain Ponchos: 202
Mittens: 22
Cotton Wash Clothes: 275
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's: 10
Misc. Items: include personal care, headbands, hand

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. marj in minnesotaMay 14, 2013 at 7:22 AM

    As pretty as the flowers it is named after.This should be a beauty. GOOD JOB!
    93 degrees today in Minnesota. Hot afternoon for one day. Good times! Have a lovely day all.

  2. This is beautiful Sandy! Some lucky family is going to love it......GREAT JOB! It is a beautiful day here in chilly NJ only thirty nine degrees! A great day to do some knitting!

  3. I used to make these squares all the time if it's the same one. I used to call them snowflakes but I would make them in white. They will make a beautiful afghan. I am feeling inspired now. I must pull that square pattern out.

  4. Thanks all for the visits, Sandie I bet with a blue background and the flower part white they do look like snow flakes. Cool idea.

  5. You have such a way of putting squares together Sandy and the name is perfect. I hopefully will soon be able to take a bag of squares of your hands to put together for the cause. Keep up the good work.

  6. Another very nice afghan!


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