
Monday, June 18, 2012

My Hats off to you, Katie in Germany

Katie B has knitted and crochet and donated 40 hats. Hats in a variety of sizes and colors. All fabulously made to warm the cold in need people here in Ohio all the way from Germany! Katie we love having your skilled hands help us with the cause of giving to those who need help.

A hat is such an important item to have. A hat can make a huge difference in how warm and or dry you are. We loose lots of heat through our head. There is some controversy about how much heat we loose when our heads not covered. Scientist originally thought one lost about 45% of the body's heat when not wearing a hat; some no longer believe the percentage is quite that high; but all do agree it is ESSENTIAL for survival outdoors. Add that it can keep you dryer, add that it can keep you from ear aches....and you can see how important a hat is to someone living outdoors, under a bridge...asleep in an alley. Many people in need also wear hats in doors, even if they're lucky enough to have a roof over their heads.....because often they live without proper heat.

Thank you Katie for your thoughtful donation, we surely appreciate all you do.

2012 Donations:
Scarves: 247
Slippers: 79
Shawls: 2
Sweaters 3
Vest 1
Afghans: 22
Mittens: 147
Squares: 345
Socks: 116
Rain Poncho's 183
Cotton Washcloths 354
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, gators, yarn, wrist warmers/fingerless gloves, facemasks, neck warmers, t-shirts, soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes etc)

We've been sharing stories...about why we donate. If you've not read them, please do. And when you read them, please leave a comment so we know you were there/here. Remember you do not need to be a blogger to leave comments. And leaving comments, spending time on the blog reading does help the blog.

**Sharing stories about why we donate:
My story Here
Wendy H tells here story HERE
Sandie P's story HERE
Diana K's story HERE
Sue F tells her story HERE
Sherry K tells her story HERE
Katie's story is HERE

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. WOW!! and WOW. 40 hats! You rock Katie B. That will help keep lots of people warm this winter.

  2. Katie you are Amazing and so is your donation. Sandy is right in that keeping the head covered is very important. Your donation is much needed.

  3. Your hats are great- and there are 40 of them! Way to go.


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