
Thursday, June 21, 2012

From Michigan to Tennessee and Back Again

We've been sharing stories of why some of us knit or crochet for charity. I find all the stories heart warming and inspiring and hope you do too.

If you've missed reading them, here they are. Please do take time to read them, and as always leave us a comment so we know you were here. Remember you do not need to be a blogger to do so. Simply type your comment, then click name and url in the drop down box and leave the url space blank. We like knowing who visits and reads our posts, we like having support for each other's crafts/donations and stories, and spending time on the blog leaving comments etc. helps the blog which in turn helps us help more people in need. So please, those of you who are shy (and I know there's a good number of you out there), please leave messages when you visit us.

We've been sharing stories...about why we donate. If you've not read them, please do. And when you read them, please leave a comment so we know you were there/here. Remember you do not need to be a blogger to leave comments. And leaving comments, spending time on the blog reading does help the blog.

**Sharing stories about why we donate:
My story Here
Wendy H tells here story HERE
Sandie P's story HERE
Diana K's story HERE
Sue F tells her story HERE
Sherry K tells her story HERE
Katie's story is HERE

And now, you can read why Sue W from Michigan donates. You might know Sue from Ravelry as SSeger. She's moved from Michigan to Tennessee and now is back in Michigan.

The reasons I knit for charity are: I just can not sit and watch TV and not have knitting in my hands. There are so many people out there who have less than I do, so I want to help them. I don't have much money, but I have yarn.
I started knitting for charity about 25 yrs ago when I lived in Muskegon, MI. The mall put up a mitten Christmas tree for the poor, well I did not knit mittens, but I made scarves for the tree for several years. Then I moved to TN. Stopped knitting for a while, then I found a group in Nashville that I knitted for. Got a computer, and signed up with Revelry. There I was able to find even more charities to knit for and that is how I found Bridge and Beyond.

*Thank you Sue for sharing your story with us. We're happy to have you join us from whatever state you're from. Hope your move went well.*

**Anyone notice this is post #763? WOW, can you believe it? I'm thinking about another way of celebrating....please stay tuned for an announcement**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. I truly enjoy reading why everyone knits and crochets for charity. And I certainly have enjoyed seeing pictures of all the donations to The Bridge and Byond project.
    Dorothy Morgan

  2. So glad to know you enjoy both the pictures and the stories, Dorothy. Hope to see you here often.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.