
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Knitted Hats Warm Homeless

These 5 knitted hats were donated by our friend Trudy S. from Maryland. I love how stretchy these ribbed hats are; that's so helpful to fit a variety of sized heads. They fit me, which means they'll fit most kids---I have a small head for an adult. They sorta fit my husband too, and he's at the other end of spectrum. He has a large head, on him the hats don't cover the ears, comes just above ears....there's lots of sizes inbetween. Trudy, could you share your hat pattern? Love to add this versatile hat pattern to our hat tab on the top of the blog.

Actually would love to make these style but a bit larger too if you could tell me how many you cast on etc. Is your ribbing 3 x 3 or perhaps 4 x 4? Can this hat be done without using DP's?

2012 Donations:
Hats: 49+5=54

Scarves: 5
Slippers: 1
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 3
Mittens: 13
Squares: 19
Socks: 3
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, yarn, etc)

**Mitten Month is about to come to an end folks, but remember we need and collect mittens all year long. We'll be swinging into February who's focus is SLIPPERS. Please read details and check out some patterns by clicking on the Slipper tab on the top of the blog.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Trudy S. your hats are the BEST!! I would love to know more about the pattern too! Keep your needles flying!

  2. Trudy your hats look great! I'm working on a 3x2 rib hat now and knitted hats take some TIME. You rock!

  3. Lovely hats! I'm still new at manupulating some of the yarn -- Sandy you're the flying fingers expert. Should I wash (full) and block your scarves before I send them? I admit they usually have a few cat hairs crocheted or woven in.
    Thanks for avice... Sandie in FL

  4. These are very nice. Similar to the crocheted ribbed ones I do. I still wish I was good enough at knitting for a change of pace though. Nice Job!

  5. Thanks all for the visits and nice comments supporting each others work. Yes Sandie (batlfit) if your items have the cat hairs please do wash....helps me when I open packages with my allergies, saves me time and helps with those who receive them with allergies.


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