
Friday, January 27, 2012

Beautiful Blanket from Bunny

Such pretty colors! This blanket is perfect for a sweet little boy or girl to cuddle with. Bunny (Lynda G), crocheted this using lots of different colors. All children love to have a blanket/afghan of their own and besides giving them physical warmth, how perfect to help a child adjust to his or her new surroundings. These family's have been through a difficult time, losing their home, being homeless, living a while in a temporary housing when they make the transition into permanent's a big deal. Our Project "Welcome Home" afghans serve as a congratulations and best of luck to these families. This cute little blanket will indeed give comfort to a child as they make the move. Though the moving is exciting, it's probably also scarey...after all, these families have been here there and everywhere, the children surely feel unsettled. Our afghans help in many ways.

Thank you Bunny, and please keep up the good work. Bunny and I have known each other a good many years now thanks to the internet. We worked together in a group to benefit survivors of Katrina. It's wonderful to have your ongoing support and skillful hands, and friendship.

2012 Donations:
Hats: 49

Scarves: 5
Slippers: 1
Shawls: 2
Afghans: 2+1=3
Mittens: 13
Squares: 19
Socks: 3
Misc Items are not counted individually (such as personal care items, headbands, yarn, etc)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Lynda - what a lovely donation! Sandy is so spot on about the comfort that it will give a little one.

  2. What a great afghan. I like how it could go to either a boy or a girl. Sandy is right about kids loving blankets. All four of mine have their special ones.

  3. Lynda, what a sweet, sweet donation! You do beautiful work! Keep your hook flying!

  4. I tried posting a comment earlier but hit the wrong thing and it wouldn't let me post. That's what I get for being on my phone.
    Thank you ladies. The pattern is:
    Very quick and easy to do.

  5. Thanks all for the visits and the comments. Thanks Bunny for adding the link of the pattern. I love how you all support each other and the cause.


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