
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hospital Scarf

Green scarfStarted this dark green (tealish) crocheted scarf while my Dad was in the hospital (ICU), needed something to keep my hands busy, something easy, something I didn't have to count. This green scarf is made from some of the green yarn donated by Laurie HERE. It's nice and large for the men folk. I like adult scarves for men to be substantial, so this one is 8 3/4 inches wide, 6 foot long, with a starting chain of 29 stitches.

TIP: Please leave tails of several inches after changing yarn and work them in, do not cut after a knot.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 338+1=339
Hats 646
Mitts 137
Socks 124
Squares 454
Rain Ponchos 80
Cotton Washcloths 318
Sweaters/Poncho's 7
Slippers 86
Afghans 34 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands or yarn.

October is Mitten Month

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Sandy - This is a great-looking scarf. I'll follow your lead and start making scarves for men 6 feet long. I generally just make 5-foot scarves, but I'm sure the extra length would be good for the guys!

  2. Sorry to hear about time spent in a hospital. That is always rough to sit with one's worries. I always find that crochet or knitting helps me release some of that nervous energy out through my hands - otherwise I'll wear a ditch in the floor from pacing.

  3. Thanks Harvest and psmflowerlady for the visits, kind words and on going support. With on the nervous energy psmflowerlady

  4. I hope your dad feels better Sandy. Nice scarf! You may remember that I was making a scarf as well--i ditched the waffle pattern and am instead doing a backstitch one (crocheting into the back of the stitch instead of the front). There are some small openings between some rows, but I am using a G hook with a single-crochet pattern. The stitch style should make it warm, but I would hate for the openings to foil my efforts. Advice?

  5. Jessica that type of stitch will be great. Keep working on it. Thanks Dad is doing better.


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