
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Donating Yarn to Help our Homeless

**Had notes mixed up, this donation came from Beth in West, not Laurie as I originally stated. My apologize Beth, just found my note and realized I had flip flop your yarn donations.

donated yarnLots of pretty yarn, soft yarn appropriate for the wee ones here. Can't you see some baby blankets? I sure can, and maybe booties,,,AND more. AND
donated yarnLots of knitted worsted weight yarn here with a rather large selection of colors. This yarn has been donated by our newest pair of helping hands, Beth. I got to meet Beth in person. Had a very enjoyable time visiting and getting to know each other. Thank you Beth. Some of this yarn has already been boxed up to send onto some helping hands low on yarn, and likely I'll use some and be able to pass along some more.

Thank you Beth, was great fun meeting you!

**September is Scarf Month, and we're having another contest.

From now until October 8, I'll toss names into a hat for everyone who donates a scarf for a teen or adult...male or female. Feeling like we need to bump those numbers a bit and will draw the winning name from the hat and send out another box of yarn. Contests are fun. We've had several fun, productive, and successful contests. Every scarf donated for a teen or adult (at least 5 inches wide and 5 feet or longer please), will qualify. **

2011 Donations:

Scarves 284
Hats 560
Mitts 133
Socks 101
Squares 420
Rain Ponchos 60
Cotton Washcloths 305
Sweaters/Poncho's 6
Slippers 86
Afghans 33 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Laurie is a wonderful person I'm glad you two met!

    I'm currently making some scarves for you!

  2. Laurie, welcome to our group. So glad you found us. Thanks for the GREAT donation! Just wait until Sandy and the rest of us get a hold of that wonderful yarn! You will see miracles happen!

  3. Hi Laurie! Some people see yarn - this group and Sandy see possibilities! What a great donation.

  4. Yeah, Theonlynikki is making some scarves....most excited to hear that.

    Thanks all for the visits and kind words, always appreciated as you admire each other's work and big hearts.

    Well said psmflowerlady.

  5. jessista@camden.rutgers.eduSeptember 12, 2011 at 12:57 PM

    Hi everyone! Good Job Laurie! Sandie--did you get my donation?


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