
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stunning Hats do more then Warm the Homeless

knitted hats for homelessLOOK, at these 10 truly stunning hats knitted with double yarn on her loom our good friend Sandie in Florida made! WOW....hats make people warm and that's so necessary, but these brilliantly colored hats will make them grin ear to ear. I LOVE these fun, festive, fabulous hats. Sandie, you outdid yourself. Thanks for packaging up sun and fun from your state of Florida to our cold in need here in Ohio. Yes, it's beginning to warm up here; but we still have all the windows closed, flannel sheets still on the bed, and it's not time to put away jackets ...yet.

Scarves 183
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 74
Slippers 37
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 241
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 43

**Folks, this is day 12 our month long comment contest. Get busy and sign up HERE. You can't win if you don't enter. And I know everyone wants a fun $40.00 shopping spree at JoAnn, courtesy of our secret donor here on Bridge and Beyond. Get busy, sign up and have fun reading through and commenting on the blog.

***The focus for May is Scarves. Scarves for men, women, and children are needed***

****For folks who like to plan ahead, next months focus will be cotton washcloths****

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. WOW! These are truly beautiful! Nothing like warming our neighbors with a hat made of sunshine!Thanks, Sandie!

  2. Those are beautiful! I personally really like the bright ones, but even the more "manly" ones are GREAT looking. I always struggle with making good looking (to me) men's hats - but you did a great job making great-looking gender-neutral hats! And they all look so warm too!

  3. Aww gee thanks! It's a real lift for me to see my hats on the post, so I get a BIG benefit too. And color!! There is a bright red half regular yarn/half fake mohair on the round loom now. There's two more light and dark teals finished, as well. I love color --- I hope our friends who get the hats do, too. Just call me Sunny Sandie (in Florida!)

  4. I have looms but have yet to try them...these hats are beautiful..maybe I need to find my looms

  5. I love these hats too and it's amazing how many different color combinations a person can come up with. I've never tried loom knitting but I think it would be perfect for my kids.

  6. By all means try your looms! My hats are on the green one..the yellow (biggest one) seems a shade too big. It's a good way to use your down time -- I "knit" while the tv is on in the evening. "NCIS" and I are very productive ;-)) With just a little instruction I bet your kids would do well, too. "Sunny" Sandie in FL

  7. I agree about trying out your looms - great TV productivity. On rare occasion, I'll do a yellow in men's colors because although they look HUGE, they really aren't all that big on one's head if you use 3 yarns instead of 2. Again, it's on rare occasion, but you might consider it - you might be surprised!

  8. LOVE all those beautiful hats! What a great gift! Not only will they be warm, but they are just so colorful!!

  9. Thanks for the encouragement -- I LOVE color! I hope everyone else does, too. And-- sometimes it's just the yarn I have, so it gets to be a "daring experiment." May everyone have lots of color in their lives!! Hugs...Sunny Sandie in FL

  10. This hats are wonderful. They look so warm and toasty and bright - sure to warm up someone's day in more ways than one.

  11. So right, Sandie in LA. Hey Sandie in Florida, can you leave details, your pattern. Everyone seems to want to try them out.

  12. I use the Green ring of the knitting/weaving ring sets. The yellow seems too big! I try the hats on and it seems like the green ring makes it just right and slightly snug around the ears for warmth. I always use two strands of yarn (unless the yarn is REALLY "manly" and bulky!). I've found the two strands don't get tangled if you wind first one on the pegs and then the other. The strand that is on the bottom is the color that will show the most. You can make a kind of tweedy effect by alternating the colors on the bottom, or a stripe by doing so many rounds with color A and then so many with color B for instance. The round loom is fun to experiment with and an adult hat works up fast. A kid's hat (the blue ring) goes even faster! Thanks for asking... Sunny Sandie in FL

  13. Fabulous Sandie! Thanks so much for tips. Hope those interested see your notes. Plus...I'm going to adding some info/patterns in the tab areas so stay turned folks.

  14. What a colorful bunch of hats these are! Some of our neighbors will be wearing a big smile when they put these on their heads! Thanks Sandie from Fl.!

  15. Love these hats, Sandie! They look nice and warm, and the colors are so bright and cheery!


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