
Friday, May 27, 2011

Donate and Become a WINNER

Donate and you will be the winner. Yes that's right if you donate something to someone in need, you are the winner. Yes, I know they are the ones who receive a necessary item; but I still contend you are the winner. You've been able to give a piece of you! You've been able to give the best of all, a piece of your heart. You don't have to know a person to do that.

You use your talents, your time, your energy, and yes your money...after all, you have to buy the yarn that you're going to create with. Look at all that giving you're doing. Then after you make something, you give it away. You give it to someone you don't know; to someone who can't say Thank You. You give it away knowing you'll not become famous or get any tangible reward for doing so. You are the winner! You win the greatest feeling, knowing you've helped someone who needed your help. That feeling of helping when you donate a hand knit or crocheted, or loomed hat, scarf, pair of slippers, or pair of mittens is what makes YOU the winner.

People donate so others will have more, people donate to help people stay warm and dry, to give them hope. This is not the only charity that asks that YOU donate. There are many, because the need to donate is HUGE. The need for us to take care of others less fortunate is our honored duty.. So donate, and be winner. You'll be glad you did.

I've added a working calendar to the blog, see tabs across the top. Plan what and when you can donate what. Keep knitting and crocheting, it's still cold, wet, and dreary here in Central Ohio and The Homeless need You.

Read the Before you Donate Tab, it should answer most of your questions

*D post for the Z-A challenge

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Well said, Sandy. I get a lot more back than what I give away. Nothing that I can hold in my hands or put on a shelf, but a nice feeling that even one person CAN do something. Sandie in FL

  2. I also believe God has given me the ability and the resources and it is my responsibility to help others. I do come away a winner with the feeling that I can accomplish something and hopefully spread some love and hope along the way. Thanks for giving me the opportunity, Sandy.

  3. Crocheting is such a stress-reliever for me, so I gain a lot just in that respect. Then, being able to give scarves, hats, etc. to people who really need them makes me doubly happy.

  4. Echoing the comments already made. I love to crochet, and while it's fun to make things for people I know and watch them enjoy wearing or using them, it's even more rewarding to make things for people who truly need them. I love working on an afghan, hat or scarf and knowing that it will help keep someone warm here in Ohio.

  5. Sometimes when I sit down and think about what I want to knit and wonder if it's enough, or if I should make This or That and I realise I'm starting to fret about it, I remind myself: if I make ONE thing, it will make a difference to someone. I don't have to help ten people in order to make a difference, I don't have to fully outfit five people for winter, I don't have to do anything more than make ONE thing in order to have helped someone.

  6. Nice post Sandy, you're right. Donating to those in need does make you a winner.

  7. The second commandment, to love one another. I use my ability to knit to love my Ohio neighbors. Thanks, Sandy for giving me this opportunity!

  8. I agree with the other bloggers, well said, Sandy. The thing that bothers me is that I keep making things but I don't have the money to send them. I will hopefully soon. take care and keep up the wonderful work you are doing. And to all the other bloggers out there that crochet, knit, loom and purchase things for the charities great job.
    Take care,

  9. Lovely comments all, many thanks for visiting, commenting, and supporting each other's efforts.

    Just back in town, will work to catch up in the next couple of days.

  10. Catchup/ketchup if you must, but don't forget the mustard.

  11. Good luck with this.


  12. crack me up...mustard it is

  13. You are so right. When we help others, we all win!


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