
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hats, Fabulous

Eight, fabulous double yarn loomed hats! Such nice colors, so nice and soft, and double yarn to make them really nice and warm.............what could be better? Thank you Sandie in Sunny Florida for your ongoing support and thoughtful donation. It is needed, and very much appreciated.

The colors are more vivid then the picture shows. The hat in the upper right is Scarlet and Gray, Buckeye Colors, which the picture really doesn't show well.

*This is post #399.........we're almost there folks. When we hit our milestone of 400 posts, I'll announce our special contest and prize, so get ready. Tell everyone. I want everyone who's donated these past 3 years to know about it. I'll be blogging about it, Facebooking about it, Tweeting about it, and hope you all do too. You really really don't want to miss it.

**This is April 24th, that gives you all 6 more days to participate in April Showers. It gives you all 6 more days to tell your friends, your neighbors, your family, and your co-workers about Spring Showers. Remember non knitters can participate. Remember non crocheters can participate. Remember non-loomers can also participate. Men, women, and children can participate. Spread the word--blog about it, talk about it, tweet about it, Facebook about. Spring is nasty, cold, and wet when you're living outdoors. April Showers is a program everyone can feel good about. Click in the sidebar for details please and thanks.**

Scarves 171
Hats 266+8=274
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 68
Slippers 37
Ghans 25 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)
Squares 214
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 16

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Those hats are gorgeous!!! Sunny Sandy - you sure know your way around a loom! I'm sure whoever receives those beauties will really appreciate not just their warmth but their workmanship as well!

  2. Sandy from sunny Florida, these look wonderful! I am going to have to try looming someday. It looks like so much fun!

  3. You know Sally, I have the looms and haven't really used them myself. I've started things to show my niece how to...but that's about it.


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