
Monday, April 25, 2011

Colorful Stripes to Warm those in Need

striped afghanThis bright, cheery, and colorful crocheted afghan comes from our friend, our young friend Rebeccah. I love how bold and bright it is.
crocheted afghanLikewise, this 2nd ghan she also crocheted and donated for our folks in need at Faith Mission. Sorry this 2nd picture is a bit blurry. You're not seeing double, there are 2 ghans and their not the same. The are both bright and cheery and stripes, but they are different.

Thank you Rebeccah for your ongoing support and thoughtful donation. I know the 2 people who receive these are going to be thrilled, and warmed both physically and emotionally.

**Drum roll please folks, this is blog post #400!** Don't forget to check in tomorrow for the special post announcing our special celebratory contest. You really don't want to miss the details.

***5 more days for our special April Showers Project, you do still have time to get your poncho's in the mail***

Though the calendar tells us all Spring is here, the weather has only started to warm up, so the need to warm our homeless still exists. Please keep your hooks and needles moving along. Hats, scarves, mittens, and slippers are still needed and appreciated. Thanks for all you do for others so selfishly.


Scarves 171
Hats 274
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 68
Slippers 37
Ghans 25+2=27 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)
Squares 214
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 16

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Ohh... I wish I could reach out and touch those beautiful afghans! Rebeccah did an awesome job. The colors are so vibrant and alive! The time and love put into those blankets will surely warm the people who receive them.

  2. Very nice job! Love all the colors too!

  3. wow~beautiful, tons of work went into that one!

  4. Beautiful job on the ghans. The colors are awesome.
    WOW 400 posts! What a milestone that is!

  5. Hello Sandie,
    Oh! long time without coming by. Thanks for your e-mails. Congrats! 400 post, that's a huge amount of posts. Congrats!

  6. Thanks all for your visits, and your comments they are appreciated. I am pretty excited by the 400th post, that means we've helped people...and I get pretty excited by that.

  7. Thank you so much for such a beautifully done and thoughtful donation, Rebecca! Some lucky person will be very cozy under these!


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