
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kaleidoscope Afghan for Faith Mission Design

Step One is designing afghans from your donated squares and rectangles.'s another step one with squares from Joy and MarieAnne. Every other row is the way I see this coming together, currently; though sometimes when I begin edging I change my mind a bit. The larger squares are Joy's and the smaller squares are MarieAnne. So many colors I've named this one Kaleidoscope. Debating currently whether to edge with light blue or black. Will check my stash when I get to this point and see which I like best and which I have the right amount of yarn. Feel free though to toss your idea into the ring here. Black is pretty traditional, as it off white and to date have been the 2 colors I've used least with the ghans we're donating to Faith Mission from squares from Give a Square.

**Editing this, since the time this post was written and in que, I've given it more thought, and hit a good yarn sale. Caron pounder normally 7.99 on sale for 5.99. So, I nabbed a black. Though I had a fair amount of black, it wasn't all the same black. I know you all know what I mean by that. So....instead of using my stash, I'm adding to it again. lol Leaning towards using black now, but even if I change my mind again before actually edging...the black will never go to waste. It will be used.

Scarves 152
Hats 233
Mittens (gloves)56
Socks 56
Slippers 34
Ghans 13
Squares 188
Sweaters 5

Staying busy edging, joining, and designing afghans, keep checking in folks to see the progress. Cold continues to be the norm here in Central Ohio, so your warm items are still very much needed. Keep those hooks, and needles busy. We love busy hands, and remember busy hands are happy hands.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. For what it's worth, there is a pink center in the top row center square (pink in gray) square or even enough blue to tie it all together. I really like the versatility and classic look of black too. And I gotta say, I agree with yesterday's commenter that your ghans would make a great coffee table book. You really are very good at adding cohesive beauty to disparate colors to make a calming and beautifule product. I like how your border really enhance rather than cover up the beauty of each individual square. Keep on hookin!

  2. Such a nice comment psmflowerlady, thanks so much. Also appreciate your insight on colors for edging and joining etc.

  3. Sandy, thank you visiting my blog. I am admiring all the work you do for charity. Some of us ladies at church have just formed a group to crochet granny square blankets for the elderly in local nursing homes. I'm excited about this adventure.

    My Japanese flower bed cover is coming along nicely. I do need to do an update on my blog. Thanks again for visiting.

  4. Happy to see you here Teresa, hope to see you again. Best of luck with your venture with your group at church. What a wonderful thing to do.

  5. Lucky and warm will the person be who receives this one! It is going to be AWESOME!

  6. I need to get busy on this one again. It's a chipping away process for sure. Thanks, Sally


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