
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Designing Afghans for Faith Mission

Little Princess Afghan DesignBright Pink (hot pink), bright blue, and a variegated mix of same laid out here in a pretty traditional design (most unusual for me, lol) with colors going diagonally. These crocheted squares were all donated by our friend Liz (minnesoda in the Ville). Most of you know I like to name ghans and have dubbed this one, "Little Princess". I can see a little girl loving this, after all the colors are perfect for a young girl. With 25 squares here, the size should also be a wonderful size for a young girl to curl up under. I'll be adding borders to each square before joining which will increase the size some, and currently am thinking of a wider then normal border....but, we'll see how things progress with yarn stash color and quantity. Please stay tuned.

Been busy working on several ghans previously designed, and have been busy designing more with all your squares and rectangles.

Few more days left folks for Sock it To Me! Please check in to see what our April focus will be.

Scarves 152
Hats 233
Mittens (gloves)56
Socks 56
Slippers 34
Ghans 13
Squares 188
Sweaters 5

**Well below freezing again here in Central Ohio, at the time of this scheduled post, so please keep those knitting needles and crochet hooks busy making hats, mittens, scarves, and slippers**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Liz did a super job on those squares - so pretty!! I've been a lurker for a while and have been quiet (which is SO NOT my nature!), but it's beautiful craftsmanship like this that'll bring me outta my shell - Beautiful! What a talented group this is - I love checking in every day to see what's posted!

  2. Glad you're doing more then lurky now psmflowerlady, love having you leave comments. I tried to do so on your page, but don't see comments open? Agree Liz did a beautiful job here with these squares. Stay tuned for the next phase with them, and others.

  3. Oh this will be so pretty! What are you planning to use for the assembly? Can't wait to see the finished product. Always a pleasure to look at them. You should do a coffee table book. :-)

  4. Thanks Sandie, off white; though like the design that's a bit odd for me. lol

    By coffee table book, do you mean a book of pictures from my ghans?

  5. Some little girl will be so happy to receive this. I love these colors.

  6. Thanks Yvonne, they are little girl colors aren't they.


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