
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Colorful Blocks Afghan for Faith Mission

knitted afghan for Faith MissionWoot Woot! Another warm afghan for our folks in need at Faith Mission. If you've not read anything on this blog before you may not known, Mothers and Children live in temporary housing there at Faith Mission. These Women and Children have been homeless, they've been abused, and come to Faith Mission with very little. We're warming them physically with hats, mittens, scarves, and slippers. Beyond that we're warming them squares and afghans. In addition to the physical warm we provide, our hope is they'll have an afghan to take with them as a house warming gift when they leave their temporary housing situation and are phased backed into society in a more permanent way.

Through our program, "Give a Square" we collected squares both knitted and crocheted measuring from 7 to 10 inches during the months of November and December of 2010 and January of 2011. I've had fun designing afghans of all different sizes with these squares, and with squares I had on hand previously. The program will be activated again in the future, so feel free to continuing making squares to be ready when the call goes out to have them mailed, you'll be ready. Pictures of all ghans donated to date available by clicking on above Give a Square, as well as additional information.

The above ghan, "Colorful Blocks" was assembled from knitted squares donated by RoseMarie with sage green yarn donated by Darling Daughter, Christine. A team of 3.
close up of crocheted borderSorry this picture is a little blurry. Tried to get a close up for you of the border. This ghan measures 56 x 41. Believe color and size make it appropriate for a male or female teen, as well as adult female.

Stay tuned, as work continues on several other ghans.

Scarves 103
Hats 174
Mittens (gloves) 55
Socks 41
Slippers 8
Ghans 10+1=11
Squares 171
Sweaters 5
Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Really LOVE that border, Sandy. Super job, as always!!!

    Sally in NJ

  2. Thanks Sally, I liked the border too, had fun with it and it's one I'll probably use again.

  3. That border is beautiful. It really brings the afghan together. Nice.

  4. Thank you Yvonne, it's part of the process I really enjoy doing too.

  5. I am always amazed at what you do with a group of squares of varying colors and shades. I am a boring assembler. Black/white/cream are what I generally jump to because I have no imagination. Your use of the green here brings out the other colors so nicely. The bright yellow is muted just a bit which, as you say, makes it good for a male as well as a female, and brings it in line with the other deeper shades. Really nice job!


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