
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Every color of the Rainbow to warm and cheer those in need

crocheted and knitted items for homelessRose Marie has done it again! Many many thanks Rose Marie for your bright and cheery and very colorful donation. Rose Marie crocheted 4 hat and scarf sets, 20 crocheted squares, and 3 knitted squares. I'll add the squares and rectangles to the collection I have and soon will be designing another afghan for those folks at Faith Mission.

Don't you love the pretty yellow, bright turquoise, orange and green? Believe the girls will really enjoy these. Without knowing it, you chosen colors that really make a person think of Rainbows. How cool is that.

Please keep those hooks and needles busy, the need is great. Thank You all.

Scarves 11+4=15
Hats 12+4=16
Mittens 0
Socks 0
Slippers 3

**Give a Square runs til the end of this Month**
****Have you read about our Rainbow Project?****

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. What a colorful batch of scarves! I love to see bright colors as I am hopeful it serves to brighten up an otherwise bad day.

  2. I know colorful items do that for me Sandie. I love color, it brings a smile to my face; so am with ya completely. Bright and cheery is pretty.


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