
Monday, January 3, 2011

Joy to the World

JOY to the WORLD. You might have been singing those words from a Christmas Carole not so very long ago, or perhaps The Three Dog Night song came to mind. Both did for me. Joy indeed! Look at this wonderful donation Joy, an old high school friend sent.

crocheted hats and scarvesJoy and I got re-connected through the beauty of facebook. She's donated beautiful crocheted items previously. Am thrilled to have her on-going support. Two matching hat and scarf sets, and 3 additional hats. All nice and soft and warm.
granny squaresAnd, look at these fun granny squares. I've used some of her squares previously and am looking forward to designing another afghan for the folks at Faith Mission using these lovely squares. These 16 squares all are a part of our Give a Square Program, which is being extended until the end of this month of January 2011. If you click on the link for Give a Square you can see thumbnails of the ghans we've donated thus far.

Scarves 8+3=11
Hats 5+5=10
Mittens 0
Socks 0
Slippers 3

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Wonderful! Oh, Joy! I went to check the afghans and was delighted to see all the 'ghans! What little girl (or big girl) wouldn't love that pink/brown combo!

  2. Love to see all the different things that come in. You are so skilled at joining things and making them into a useful and aesthetically pleasing article.

  3. Thanks ladies, appreciate the visit and nice comments.


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