
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blue Jazz

Blue Jazz in the worksBlue Jazz in the planning stages here. This group of donated squares really has lots of different pieces. A few of the squares are from way back and are smaller then our 7-10 guidelines for our current "Give a Square" project. This group has squares, rectangles, some knit, some crocheted in granny style fashion (in the round), while others are sampler type in design (crocheted end to end).

The number of people who've donated for this one is a bit of a mystery to me, given some of those older squares. Some of which were before Bridge and Beyond was formed. I've picked up some at garage sales in years past, some given to me when someone had a family member who used to crochet or knit. Though perhaps not immediately, everything truly does get used for charity at some point when donated to me. I can tell you the following people have squares in this Blue Jazz Ghan: Joy, RoseMarie, Yvonne, Niki, Sarah S, Christine (DD), and Susan. Please if you see your square here and I've missed you....sing out.

This ghan when completed will go to our Mothers and Children at Faith Mission. Currently, I'm thinking I'll edge and join this ghan in a smokey blue color. I've got a good amount of it in my stash.

Scarves 27
Hats 40
Mittens 1
Socks 5
Slippers 3

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. It's been fun coming up with these designs from everyone's squares, thanks Jan

  2. I know it is the end of the month, so I don't think I can finish a square or two before February. What is February's request?

  3. Hi Mimi, thanks for the visit, hang on to your squares, we will be re-activating "give a square". February's focus will be slippers, though we collect hats, scarves, mittens, and slippers all year long. Thanks for asking

  4. Wanted to add, hoping you'll see this Mimi that I tried again today to leave a comment on hour cute blog, but was unable to...says I have to be a team member?

  5. Mi madre, pretty sure that the one multi-colored square (kinda rectangle-y) is mine, but I can't see it super well :)

    Glad you and dad had such a good time in Hilton Head!

  6. Thank you DD (Christine), I thought maybe it was too, but wasn't sure. I'll add you above. We did have a wonderful time, wish it weren't over; but atlas we'll get busy and plan next outing.

    Love knowing you've been here looking around and left a comment.



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