
Monday, December 6, 2010

Crocheting Warmth for Homeless

crocheting for homeless
Crocheting for homeless continues. Thank you Liz (Minnisoda at The Ville), for your beautiful squares (8) and awesome hat and scarf set. I can tell the hat and scarf used back post, but unsure if it's double crochet or triple crochet. Either way it's a wonderful matched set that will be great for someone to receive. I'll continue to design and work on afghans from the squares folks are sending for Give a Square, as well as some I had here for our homeless at Faith Mission.

I appreciate each and every donation you all make, please keep up the good work.

Scarves 305+1=306
Hats 565+1=566
Mittens 142
Socks 80
Slippers 15
Ghans 5
Squares 115

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Nice variety of colors and patterns here. Should really bring life to a ghan.


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