
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special thanks going all the way to France, for helping our Homeless

knitted hats, mittens from FranceDonations from across the sea! Look at these wonderful knitted items being donated by Sacha all the way from France! 4 hats, and 3 pair of mittens, and a pair of fingerless gloves. Sorry the sun got in the corner of the picture there on the 2nd red hat. Please click to enlarge picture so you can see her pretty detail work with the Intarsia Knitting. Also wanted to try and describe her fingerless gloves (top right corner). They're a bit different than ones I've seen in the past. The little finger and the ring finger are together covered like they would be in a mitten, and therefore the fingers you do more with are the ones out. There might be a word for that type of fingerless mitten; but I'm not familiar with it.

Sacha and I became acquainted over on The Hive and have enjoyed getting to know one another sharing our love of craft; as so many there do. Thank you Sacha for your thoughtful and beautiful donation, it is so very much appreciated.

Have you read about our latest program, Give a Square? If not please do by click on the words Give a Square.

Scarves 275
Hats 487+4=491
Mittens 60+4=64
Ghans 3
130 (since Give a Square)

Please remember all donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. It truly DOES make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. Thank you! :)
    I don't know if three-finger-glove-two-finger-mittens are something existing (it's not typically French either ;)), but I thought that they are quite handy if you do things outside?
    Anyways: I'm sure you'll be able to find a good purpose for them!
    And again, Sandy, thanks for all the good work you do.
    I've seen your square project. And I'm sorry to say that I've only been able to crochet four squares till now... :(

  2. Thanks for the feedback Sacha on the mitten/glove thing. I think it's a great idea for doing things outdoors and still trying to stay warm. Very creative. Thanks too for the efforts on squares. We just keep chipping away, one hat, one scarf, one pair of mittens, one pair of slippers, and one square at a time.

  3. How nice to get help from across the sea! Very generous and such beautiful work!


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