
Monday, December 21, 2009

We had a "Twin"

crocheted scarf
If you saw this post, you might think we did have a twin, or that I duped a post, or posted the same picture twice. Nope. This is the 2nd scarf made from this yarn; though this one is bigger. It measures close to 9 inches wide and about 78 inches in length. It too though came from our friend Rae's mother's yarn stash. How wonderful that we're able to continue the quest to help others. I still have more of this yarn and am thinking about what to make next with it. I thought it would be fun to keep track of how much was made from this one donation. (be sure and scroll down the right sidebar for total miles knitted and crocheted). I've almost hit a whole mile with this special yarn.

Folks, one of our fellow Bridge Team Members is in need of hugs, good thoughts, and prayer. Please hop over top Beth's blog (Crochet Princess) and let her know you care. Her little grandson is having a very very tough time of it. He's only 2 years old. Thank you all for caring.

Please keep up the good work, and keep your fingers flying to help those in need.

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 140 +1 = 141
Socks 79 pair

This is post #104
(our first year anniversary was on Dec 2)


  1. Oh, this is such a nice yarn! I really like this scarf. Beautiful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~susan~

  2. I like how the design shows up with this scarf. Pretty neat that the pile of yarn continues to give.


  3. Nice scarf. I think I've had this yarn. It works up differently with every scarf as most variegateds do. Lovely!

  4. Right you are Sandie, they always show up differently. I think I still have a skein or two left of this yarn, no doubt down the road there will be triplet. lol

  5. Had to click on this old post. That was nice yarn. Now I am wondering how many scarves you made with it.


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