
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Special Yarn = Sandie's Scarf

crocheted scarf
If you've been here recently, you know Sandie's last scarf is the one that made us reach our goal, and now it's Sandie again pushing us forward in the + column. YIPPEE! You might also know how extra special I think it is that she's using donated yarn from a dearly departed friend to carry these donations forward. This is Scarf #101 (1 over our original goal of last year of 100, so now we'll make our goal 200).

I hope you're all having a wonderful summer, though it's quite cool and damp here at the moment and doesn't seem like summer at all. We had a fire going last night to keep warm while attending a special gathering at Jan's house. Jan is my SIL, she's the one that delivers all our hand knit and crocheted goodies to Rae to be distributed to those in need, both under the bridge and at the free clinic.

I've added links to Sandie's blog, and both my SIL, Jan's so you can all pay a visit above, and here am leaving links about special summer needs, as well a story about scattered homeless. If you've not yet read those post and commented, please do. Perhaps you can share a story about homeless in your area. I'm also still wanting to follow up on the story to see about a shelter or something in the area where these folks were scattered from due to the Park.

I'm still finding knitting and crocheting difficult due to the association with Mom and all those hours at the hospital, but am working on it. I do have a scarf going for this project, and some granny squares.

Hats 178 (22 needed to reach goal of 200)
Mittens 43 pairs (57 need to reach goal of 100)
Scarves 101 (99 needed to reach goal of 200)

And while you're visiting either of my SIL's blog's be sure and wish her Happy Anniversary. We were celebrated 40 years last night at the gathering.


  1. Wow the mitten total is down there! Looks like I have my work cut out for me! :-D I always get cold hands and feet and can't stand it, so I love love love making mittens and slippers! Off to visit your SILs blog now!

  2. Thanks Linda, think I tried to find the mitten pattern you used before; but since have lost my note, could you resend?

  3. really cool that people get together and do these good things, very cool

  4. Want to personally thank all you knitters and crocheters who are sending hats, scarves and the like to Sandy. My guys "under the bridge" love you for caring enough to think of them and send them something special. You are well appreciated and they are just a bit warmer thanks to you. Rae

  5. I think this scarf was made with Carolyn Toups' donated yarn. I know she would be happy that others are getting the benefit from these.

  6. I think you're right. Such a nice feeling isn't it.


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