
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SOCK it to me ....AND!!!


40 pairs of feet will be warmer and dryer thanks to that load of socks you see in the picture. Finally got out a week ago and shopped and got more socks. Sorry for the delay in getting picture taken, edited and posted. Thanks going out to Bill (a multiple friend from The UK), Jenny (from Scotland I know from Ravelry), and Cowgirl (Chris from Multiple).

I was able to buy in bulk and got 4 packages of 10 pairs each. I was sooooooooo excited and hope you share my excitement

knitted hats and scarf

And more wonderful handmade goodies. Another beautiful scarf all the way from Scotland from Jenny Wren (on Rav) #80, and hats (161 &162) from Sandie. Beautiful work from both of these special ladies.

Look how close we're getting to our scarf goal! Party time soon. lol.

Many thanks for all the wonderful support of this ongoing cause. Don't stop knitting and crocheting, please.........keep those fingers nimble.
On a person note, many thanks to all who've offered prayers and good wishes from my mother, I posted another update about the hospital situation here.

And for a diversion while waiting on calls from the hospital I made a long over due post with some cool pics from our last trip, was nice to think of better times while I was posting it and hope you all take a minute to visit and comment.


  1. Your team is sure warming up those bridge folk.

  2. Wow!! You have an amazing heart! I live in California, where it seems lately that the homeless are arriving in droves daily, becuase the weather is so mild here.

    And like you, I have a huge heart for the homeless, especially the women and children.

    I'm a photographer who is hoping to change the world... or just my community. You can help:

    Check it out.
    Thanks! ... and continue your good work! What a blessing you are!

  3. Scotland! Wow. Pretty soon you'll be needing a world map to replace the USA one. :-)

  4. When I found the map I didn't find a world one. May though we'll get there someday.


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