
Sunday, March 22, 2009

I doth my hat!

crocheted hats
Once again 2 great hats to keep heads warm from Sandie. Thanks so much for your continued support of this worthy cause. It is soooooooooo appreciated. Hats #159 & 160.. Both hats are crochet, the darker blue is neat bulky yarn.

Our counters keep moving along which is great. Though we are having some sun during daylight hours, it still was only in the 20's last night. Very cold indeed for folks living outside in the elements. Cold too for folks living indoors with no heat; like so many who make their way to the free clinic.

Let's keep these hats, scarfs, and mittens coming.


  1. It IS cold...I just put a jacket on and I'm INSIDE! The hats are awesome....

  2. Sandie is really flying in with all these great items.

  3. Ah, here is the same post as the other with a different name. Maybe spam?

  4. Right you are Sandie,must have missed this back when they org. posted. Just deleted it.


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