
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Personal Care Gift Packages Help Homeless.

Thank you Tara B for this thoughtful donation.  Sorry the picture doesn't show up real well.  We were without electricity when I was processing a group of donations.  As you can see, there was some light coming in from the window, but it's not the best.  Please click to enlarge the photo, so you can see details.  In the lower left corner you'll see a soap box with soap in it, a couple of hygiene wipes (the pink packet), and 2 crocheted cotton washcloths...(hard to see as they're tan about the same color as my carpet).  This was all packaged together in a zip lock bag.  Notice all the packages on the fall right, and to the left of the scarf....I opened one package so you could see the contents and I could get a proper count.  What a cleaver way to package these needed personal items, Tara B!

Tara has also included toothbrushes, towards the top left in the picture and 2 crocheted scarves and hats.

This lovely donation will help many people in need.  The packages of personal care items really are like a gift package...very nice indeed.  AND with this donation, look where we are for our goal for cotton washcloths!  Seriously, one away.

***If you didn't read yesterday post, PLEASE DO!  Just scroll back for an important announcement was made yesterday.***

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Awesome donation Tara B. All those personal items are so nice for the homeless to have. The hats & scarves will help keep some people warm!

    1. Right you are Sue, and as always, many thanks for your supportive visits. Always appreciated.


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