
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

High School Friend Crochets and Donates to Help Ohio's Homeless

Thank you Joy D!!  Joy is long time supporter of Bridge and Beyond, and a long time friend.......she and I go way back.  We attended junior high and high school together.  She does beautiful crocheting and shares her talent and big heart with those in need through Bridge and Beyond.  Look at this wonderful and generous donation of hats, and scarves.  Lots of colors, lots of sizes, lots of styles!!
Truly something for everyone.  With her color selection she has items for the ladies, some for men, and some that work for either men or women.  Many many thanks Joy.  Please keep up the good work, and know how many people will be warmer with your donation.

Folks the weather has turned.  We're having some sunny days, but the nights are cool, and quite damp.  We've had fog and I fear we'll soon have our first frost of the season and then.....well you know in central Ohio, it's going to be cold before we know it.

Check out our graphs...we're 84% to our goal for hats and 61% of our goal for scarves with this donation!!

Please keep your hooks and knitting needles busy.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Wow What a nice donation! I particularly like the dark one with the speckles. Wonder what yarn that is. Dark colors are hard for me but I do get tempted. Good job, Joy!

    1. I now what you mean with the dark colors. I can alright during the day with lots of good light, but...not at night.

  2. Joy, I'd love to know the dimensions of your ear warmers! I've wanted to make them, but I'm not confident on sizing.

    1. She didn't make ear warmers, but thanks for your visit.

  3. Wonderful donation Joy! You certainly used great colors for the homeless.


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