
Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Generous Donation of Knitted Warmth for the Homeless

WOW!  2 boxes!  Phyllis G, has been very busy and has knitted lots of goodies to donate.  In this first picture she has the always popular cotton washcloths.  As you know, they are used in a variety of ways.  Folks getting a shower at a shelter often get much softer than a store bought cloth.  They're put into welcome home bags for folks when they transition from shelter to a more permanent housing situation and can be used as a dish cloth or personal wash cloth, and our friends living out in the elements get good use from them as well.

She's also included scarves with matching hats, mittens and slippers!  And you all know how excited I get when we get mittens!!  Way to go Phyllis.  
I do hope you've scrolled down, cause there's more!!  More mittens, scarves, hats, and slippers.  This group is a larger size than the first picture.  Awesome to have a variety of sizes and colors.  Some perfect for the younger set, some for women, some for men and some that work for either a man or a woman.  But... scroll some more, please.
I told you, there were two boxes of donations.  I can only put so many in one photograph in order for you to see them.  And remember, you can always click pictures to enlarge them.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. WOW Phyllis G! What a great box of goodies. I love that you made mittens and slippers. Those will surely help the people stay warm this fall and winter.

    1. Right you are Sue. A very nice donation indeed. Thanks always for your visits.


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