
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Thank you Christina for your Donation to Aid The Homeless

Such a fun and colorful donation of knitted goodies from our friend, Christina D.  These were delivered to my doorstep.  Look at all the nice color combinations in her corner to corner (Grandm's favorite) cotton washcloths!  Click to enlarge so you can see all the colors, the fun variegated mixes.  These cloths have several purposes and are always so well received by all who receives them.

AND, while it might be summer and hot across the country, wet nights can still be uncomfortable and cold for those living out in the elements, so hats are needed all year long.  Certainly less in terms of numbers in the warmer months, but still they get used.  Those that aren't used for current purposes are stocked at the shelters so when weather turns they are prepared and not caught off guard.  That's why we collect and donate all year long, and not just in the colder months.

Nice hat colors that will work for both men and women.  

As always, many thanks and please keep up the good work and know what a difference you make in the lives of those less fortunate.

Woot Woot...did you notice this donation of cotton washcloths puts us just over the half way mark to our goal!!

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Love the variety of colors in these. Well done. Also nice to have a little insight into the needs of those we service through the year.

    1. Thanks Sandie for your visit and comment, both are appreciated. Right you are about the variety of colors!

  2. Nice donation Christina D! I see some of the same cotton colors that I have.

    1. Thanks for the visits and comments Sue, always appreciated. It's fun to see those you recognize and some new ones.


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