
Monday, July 19, 2021

Loomed Hats and Wrist Warmers Aid The Homeless

Thank you Anna W for this awesome donation!!  Anna and her loom work wonders.  Loomed hats are always nice and thick, so nice and warm.  They have a double band which is great for keeping ears warm.  AND special thanks for taking time to label each hat with size.

Her wrist warmers are long then some patterns and as a result really help with warm.  They come well up the arm and cover the hand to to about the knuckle area.  They have the nice double band like the hats, so stay up nicely on the arms.  

Wonderful color choices Anna.  These nice dark colors really help when folks don't have the ability to do laundry, as they don't show the dirt easily.  These colors are also great for our men folks, but still work for woman as well.  Remember folks, homeless people don't like to stand out, so dark colors vs bright colors really are better for them.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very nice donation Anna W! The fingerless gloves are nice to have and they can be worn over gloves to keep the hands even warmer. Nice colors that you used.

    1. Bingo Sue, you're absolutely right! As always many thanks for your wonderful support.


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