
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

More Afghans and Lapghans Donated to Homeless Families Foundation and Those in Need

AND...look what we've got here!  The next installment of Marsha M's afghans/lapghans.  This first one is crocheted side to side.  Nice and solid stitches.  What a fun mix of colors.  I am a bit limited in that I can only laundered 3 or 4 at a time and have room to spread them out to dry and block.  So this one is hanging over the side of the bed, which is why you can't see the end on the left.  Believe this is straight forward single crochets.  This stitch makes the afghan nice and warm because there are no holes.  Nice lapghan size, and the colors nice for a woman or a teen, I believe.
This second one is the big continuous granny square style.  I'm particularly fond of this color combination, as I've always like blue and green together.  I think since this is a bit darker, this one will work nicely for a male or female.
The 3rd one I think is ok for both male or female as well.  What do you think?  Again the one big granny style afghan with a fun mix of bright colors.
Bright and cherry, 6 large granny squares put together makes this afghan about the size of a twin I think, though I have it laying on a queen here; it's a nice size.  Definitely colors for a woman.  Through my SIL, this ghan was directed to someone who recently lost their home due to a fire.  What a terrible time to become homeless.  I'm sure this young woman will be comforted by this pretty afghan. 
AND....this big granny will work well for male or female, I think...don't you.  It looks rather patriotic, with a slightly different red, white and blue theme.

Many thanks Marsha M.  This brings us to #20 so please keep coming back folks to see what's in store.  This donation puts us over the goal for year which is very exciting.  Though some probably won't be processed and counted until early next year.  Now with Christmas decorations up, I've lost some space to lay things out to dry/block.

When I made deliveries the other day to Homeless Families Foundation, my car was really loaded.  Chad, my contact there was thrilled to see so many afghans and loaded bags of hats, scarves etc.  So please know folks how well received our donations are.  You truly make a difference.  

Keep up the good work Marsha!!

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Marsha sure has been busy! Kudos to her for all her beautiful work. How exciting that the goal for afghans has been surpassed. If the post office ever delivers the scarves I've sent you, that goal could get a bit closer too.

    1. Thanks for the visit Sandie. I know the mail has really been delayed. Have seen lots of folks complaining about it on facebook.

  2. My Goodness Marsha! You were very busy. Did you sleep this year? I like #2.

    1. Right you are about how busy Marsha has been. She told me she thought it was several years worth of crocheting. I'm partial to #2 as well, love blue and green together.

  3. I can't imagine the postage cost on 20 afghans! Its been fun watching the variations get posted. I also just now noticed that you met your goal for mittens this year too. Wonderful!

    1. I was thinking that myself! I mailed two boxes of scarves a few weeks ago and it was over $30. I can't imagine mailing all those afghans. Kudos to her though! Well done!


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