
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Afghans for Homeless Families Foundation

Guess who's donation this is.....come on guess.  If you've been following for the last couple of weeks, you probably have already figured it out.  This donation is from our friend Marsha M.  As you know, I am working my way through her donation getting them all laundered and blocked, but can only do so many at a time in the wash......and now with Christmas decorations up, am more limited in my space to dry and block them.    Marsha is the primary care giver for her husband and so just simply didn't have the ability to launder them.   Can't remember if I mentioned that before.    This primarily blue afghan is made with for smaller squares in the center.  I like the look, and the colors in this one.
This is single big square with changing colors frequently.  With the pinks and reds, think ladies will enjoy this one.
This one sorta looks like a sunburst to me.  How about you?  Bright and cheery, another one ladies will enjoy.  Or perhaps a young teen?  Again, the center square style.
Primarily gray, worked side to side, so perhaps better suited for a male?   Though the pastels perhaps not?  
This is a small one that speaks to me like a box of crayons and is truly suited for a younger, male or female.  Love this color combination and know some little person will be thrilled to wrap up in this.  Could also do well as a lapghan, size wise.

Normally I ask folks to launder and block themselves, but this is a different situation.  So bear with me as I work my way through her donation.  It's several years worth.  This brings her total thus far to #25, keep coming back; because there are more.  Some will not make it into our totals for this year of 2020, and will start our 2021 totals.

Many thanks Marsha, keep up the good work!

Hope you all are staying safe, and hopefully some of you will be getting the vaccine in the near future.  

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. OH Marsha! You have been so many warm Afghans! You are helping so many people stay warm. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. I was looking at the various colors of all you've posted so far, and thinking that you should meet my oldest son who loves the color pink in all its variations. He had a light pink bike as a kid, and wore a neon pink helmut, and told off the kids who teased him. He now has a daughter of his own, and crazy kid isn't a big pink lover.
    So I wouldn't discount the grey with pastel colors being like by a guy. There might be one out there who would love it.


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