
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It's a Family Affair

Thank you Hubby!  Hubby doesn't knit or crochet, but he said, I can do socks.  So socks he did.  A bakers dozen.  We've had nights and early mornings in the 30's already, so the need for warm things is indeed upon us.  To my way thinking, it's  seems to have come way to early this year.  Some trees are almost bare from leaves already down, and I have zero flowers left blooming in the yard........<Sigh>  Fall is here.  And from how busy the squirrels seem to be burying goodies throughout the yard, I fear that means winter won't be mild.

Thank you Hubby, 13 people will have warmer feet because of your donation.

It's a family affair.  This awesome knitted mobius/infinity scarf/cowl was knitted and donated by my Darling Daughter!   I LOVE the colors.  The yarn is soooooo nice and soft.   Click the picture to enlarge so you can see the details (remember you can do that with all pictures on the blog).   There some nice texture, I don't remember what stitch pattern she used.    Whomever receives this awesome mobius/infinity scarf/cowl will be thrilled.  They'll be warm and stylish.  

AND, she's been busy knitting up some yarn from my stash.  LOVE these colors together, but, am trying to determine how to put together for a ghan.  Sometimes, that's interesting part of using up stash.  Knit or crochet until you run out of yarn, and then see what you can put together.  You can see 9 strips of the beautiful variegated, and 5 strips of the solid blue.   This design is funky in that the strips on the left side are vertical and the stripes on the rights side are horizontal.  Plus the placement of blue strips isn't uniform.

This possible design is with only 4 of the solid blue strips and 10 of the variegated.   The  2 sides are even in that they each have the same number of blue and variegated strips, but again you have the vertical vs the horizontal.  

Open to opinions of which design you like best and or other suggestions.  I also need to check my stash, as I think I have some purple, which I think I would like to use for edging and joining.  

AND, if you're a regular reader, you know I always name the afghans that are assembled.  How about Purple Haze for this one?

Again thank you Dear Hubby and Darling Daughter!  Keep up the good work and know it makes a difference to many.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Good job to the hubby for his donation. Love the cowl! Great colors. For the afghan with strips I think a purple would go better than the light blue. Of course it might be my computer showing the color differently. I do love those purple strips. Is that a variegated yarn or did she change colors from stash yarn?

    1. Variegated yarn Sandie. Thanks for the visit and weighing in. I need to rummage through my stash and see what I can come up with


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