
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Brickyard Afghan is Completed, Being Blocked.

Here's Brickyard fresh out of the wash machine after being laundered.  As you can see the squares/rectangles really vary in size; but it did come together.  It's here now being blocked, drying and then will be ready to donate to Homeless Families Project.  (scroll back to see it's before look), or click HERE

Haven't selected the next project yet.  Need to look at all my project bags and see what calls out to me.

Hope you're all stay healthy and continuing to stay at home.  I hope with this weekend being Easter, families didn't elect to gather together.  I fear if they do, we'll have a resurgence of more cases in the next 5-14 days.

I just watched 2 video's this am, looking for new possible patterns.  One was knitted and one crocheted.....don't know if I'll do something with that, or nab an already designed project bag.  Very in-divisive  at the moment.

What are you all working on?  Do you find you're doing more knitting and or crocheting during our Covid Period?  Are you knitting or crocheting for Bridge and Beyond, or another worthy charity?  

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Your finished afghan looks great! It's no surprise to me because I'm always amazed at you put things together. As to my crocheting, I actually find I'm crocheting less and spending more time at the computer, "socializing". I am making small blankies for Project Robby but I just ordered some brown yarn with which I plan to make a scarf for the Bridge. Happy Easter to you and yours!

    1. Thanks for the visit and sweet compliment. I too am spending more time socializing here on the net. Thanks goodness we have it. Happy Easter to you and yours as well.

  2. Brick Yard is so bright and colorful! Great job Sandy. I have finished a baby blanket and I am working on another one that I started last summer, and I put away when it was too hot to work on. I still have a scarf for this group on my needles.
    Easter was quiet this year, but I did a lot of texting.

    1. Thanks for the visit and kind words. Sounds like you're keeping busy. I hear ya on the texting.


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