
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Rolling Hills is in The Works

Rolling Hills is the name I chose for this group of strips.  Brown and green, earthy; but if someone has a suggestion I'm happy to rename it.  These strips are again from that donation intended to be scarves, that just weren't sized to fit the need.

I've laid this out to see how much is needed to make them all the same size so they can be joined to make another afghan.  These are quite narrow and will need additional crocheting to make the width appropriate; but I do love the color combination.  I have both tan and green to use in adding, edging and joining.  I will have some more need to do some over-stitching due to the yarn being cut immediately after knots; but it seems less of a problem than it was in the previous afghan, Pippy Longstocking.

As I type this post, I can actually see sunshine outside my window!  That's pretty exciting because we surely haven't seen much of it.  AND I can begin to see some hopeful signs of spring with some green poking through the dirt in some of my flower beds.  Come on Spring.

How's the weather in your neck of the wood, and what are you all working on with your hooks and needles?

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I admire you for figuring out how to save items that are knotted and cut. I know the crocheter had the very best of intentions but it does make extra work. You've got so many skills! I know this will be a beautiful afghan when you've completed it. Perhaps a refresher in scarf sizes is needed as a reminder? With all the efforts out there and so many different requirements, it's easy to get confused. Glad you have the pages with suggestions for reference! I do use those.

    1. Thanks for the visit, much appreciated. Perhaps I will write a post about size again. It's been a while and likewise the knot thing.


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