
Monday, March 30, 2020

Brickyard, The Afghan and Homeless Village

The Brickyard is the nickname for The Indianoplis 400.  Why you might wonder.  The track was started in 1909 but was crushed stone and tar.  It was very dangerous.  It was slippery and caused accidents.  Stones flew up hitting drivers goggles causing accidents and even hitting their cheeks.  The stones and tar were covered over with bricks which was huge improvement.  Gradually bricks were covered with pavement.  By 1937, all but the start finish line were covered.  Drivers knee and kiss the bricks.  Bricks were red, gray, yellowish.....which is what caused me to name this afghan in the works Brickyard.

If you scroll back to the last post you'll it originally laid out.  And here, some headway has been made.  Some (maybe a half the squares) are edged and about 1/3 sized and joined (the left side).  Chipping away.  As you can see not many of the squares are the same size so it's not a quick process.  But, with our stay at home orders, and the weather not being nice enough to get outside much...I do seem to have more time to work on it.

In the midst of these troubling times, perhaps some good news is in order.  These are tents for homeless.  The picture is a link to the full story from The Tampa Bay Times.  100 tents in all, with electric, means of garbage disposal have been built.  It's called Hillsborough Hope.  The article is written by Christophere O'Donnell.  The community and Catholic Charities put this village together to provide housing, food, and medical care to the homeless.  The homeless are very vulnerable right now, even more than ever.  Homeless will be referred here by the police.  The location of this village is being kept a secret for safety and security reasons.  

Thank you Hillsborough County, Tampa Florida for thinking of The Homeless, particularly when the governor of the state of Florida still hasn't issued Stay at Home Orders.  Parts of the state are on lock down due to forward thinking mayors trying to protect their cities.

Please do click on the picture to read the whole story.  It's nice to read something good with all the sad news we have currently in front of us.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Assembling squares that are not the same size is a chore! You're so good at it though. I'm sure this will be beautiful and bless someone when it's done.

    1. Thank you Sandie, sweet of you to say, much appreciated.

  2. The name is fitting, and the blanket looks like it will be very colorful and fun when its finished. Isn't it nice to have something to work on right now? I'm definitely doing more yarn-y things than usual for March.

    1. Right you are Karla, many thanks for the visit, always nice to see you.

  3. The Brickyard will be bright and cheery. Very interesting read from Tampa Bay. I can see that type of homeless village being set up in many towns. It is a great idea.

    1. Thanks for the visit Sue, much appreciated. Right you are on the village. I hope we do see more of these.


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