
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Donation Totals for 2019

Please remember you can always click on pictures to enlarge.  And you may need to do that to see the stats.  I no longer have a neat software where I could make grafts so this is a spread sheet from google docs, but they don't let you post/paste it anywhere, so saved it in PDF, the printed it so I could scan it to make it a picture in order to insert here in the blog post.  Thus the quality/sharpness isn't the best.  But, I believe you can read it. 

The numbers in red represent where we collected and donated more in the year 2019 then we did in the previous year 2018.  You can see we did better with cotton washcloths, hats, slippers, and socks!  Way to go ladies.

Additionally, you can see the percentage of our goal.  The goal we used for 2019 was an average of the previous 6 years.  We didn't make 100% of goal on any item, but we hit 77% of our goal of 347 for cotton cloths.  AND our sock goal percentage was 74%.  That goal was 152 and we donated 113.  Our 3rd item was scarves, and we hit 55% of our goal on scarves which was 383, you can see we collected and donated 212.

All in all, it looks to me like we warmed and cared for a good number of people.  Some folks change which charities they support over time, and that's ok.  Some folks have found similar charities in their areas, that's good means they are still helping people even if not here through Bridge and Beyond.  So, let's not feel bad that we didn't hit 100% of our goals.  Let's celebrate what we did accomplish.  And on that score we donated more Cotton Washcloths, Hats, Slippers, and Socks.  All items that are greatly appreciated.

Thank you again to everyone who helped with their skills in knitting, crocheting and or looming.  Thank you to all who helped by spreading the word about the need, and thank you to all who visit the blog and also those that leave comments.  You are make difference.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very interesting stats. I like that you compared 2019 to 2018. The goals for all the items may be down, but this group still helped a lot of people. We will be helping again this year to warm people. I have 4 socks to send sometime in the future when I can get the chance to make another scarf or 2 for you.

    1. Right you are Sue, we’ve helped and will continue to help and I like focuses on what we’ve accomplished vs not.

  2. I always like to see stats but don't let them get you down. Every single person helped is one less person suffering. As you say, we celebrate what was accomplished and will continue to provide what we can in the future.


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