
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Help From Tennessee Aids Ohio's Homeless

WOW! Look at this awesome donation from Anna W from Tennessee!  Thank you Anna, such a generous donation.  This isn't the first time Anna has given of her time and her talents to help Bridge and Beyond.  

Wonderful colors, great size variety and everything is so well made.  The yarn she used is so nice and soft, whomever wraps up in these scarves, or pulls on a hat or writs warmers is going to truly feel comforted.

Anna has tagged all her hats with size, thank you for doing that.  And a nudge to remind everyone to, please and thanks.

Anna looks to be a whiz with the looms.  Pretty sure the hats and scarves are knitted on looms, and I think???? the writs warmers (fingerless mitts) are as well?  I would love to post the pattern you used for warmers/mitts, as they are particularly nice.  The sizing seems like a real bonus to me.  The are nice and long and would really aid someone trying to stay warm.
I tried to show you how nice and long they are, but am not good with holding the phone with one hand and pushing the bottom to take a photo.

Thank you Anna, and please keep up the good work and know you truly have made a difference.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a wonderful donation! I too would love to see the pattern for the wrist warmer. That is a great idea!

    1. Thank you Lisa for visiting and for commenting, always appreciated.

  2. Such a warm & soft looking donation Anna W! All those items will sure help keep a person warm this winter.

  3. I love reading about other who help others out.
    Coffee is on

    1. Thanks for the coffee Dora and the visit. Much appreciated.

  4. These are the links to the written pattern and YouTube video that I used for the loom knit fingerless mittens:

    1. Awesome Anna. I'm going to blog about them. AND if I can find my looms, may give it a try myself. Thanks!


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