
Monday, May 20, 2019

Crocheted Hats Make Their Mark in Ohio all the Way From Minnesota

Thank you Judy C for this thoughtful donation of crocheted hats to warm heads in need.  Judy has crocheted 9 hats, with a variety of sizes, colors, and styles.  Something to warm lots of different sized heads!  She also tagged each hat with the size.  I list that as something everyone should do, but sometimes people don't.  Tagging with size helps ensure the donated item reaches the right people.  So thank you Judy C from Minnesota for taking the time to tag your hats with the size.  Much appreciated by me, and even more so from the various volunteers at the shelters.

Just is our newest pair of helping hands.  We're so happy to have you join us and look forward to seeing you often on Bridge and Beyond.  Please keep up the good work Judy, and know that you have made an important difference in the lives of 9 people.

Thank you!

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Nice group of hats in a variety of colors. Kudos to Judy C for her work.

    1. Right you are Sandie. Thanks for the visit and the comment, always appreciated.

  2. Welcome Judy C! I also like the colors and styles you made. Great donation!

    1. Thanks Sue for your visit and sweet comment, always appreciated.


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