
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Crocheting and Donation from New York Aids Ohio's Homeless

Thank you Annemarie D for this awesome and thoughtful donation of crocheted goodies.  As you can Annemarie has been very busy with her crochet hook .  She's crocheted a pair of slipper, 2 scarves, and 22 cotton washcloths!  

Another good start to our new year of 2019.  Look at the fun assortment she's provided with her cotton washcloths.  Remember you can always click pictures to enlarge them to see details better.

Annemarie hails from New York, The Empire state.  Special thanks for helping cold homeless here in Central Ohio Annemarie.  Please keep up the good work and know you make a difference in the quality of people's lives.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a lot of dishcloths! Good job, Annemarie! I love that teal colored one with the graduated color change. Wonder what yarn that is.

    1. I thought it was especially pretty also Sandie. I'm always fascinated when I see something I've not seen before. Thanks for the visit and the nice comment. Both are appreciated.

  2. Wonderful! I love the teal scarf. Thanks for your donation Annemarie!

    1. We got teal thing going on....looking at your comment and Sandie's above, lol. But, for good reason, who doesn't love teal! Many thanks for the visit and comment, always appreciated.

  3. Replies
    1. Something I've never made and keep saying I'm going to. My list just going and going, lol. Love having you visit and comment Cynthia. Many thanks!

  4. Nice donation, Annmarie D! Keep your hook flying! 👍

    1. So good to see you back here visiting and commenting Sally. I join you in telling Annmarie to keep her hook flying. Many thanks for the visit and comments, love it.

  5. Great donation AnneMarie! I love the teal scarf also.

    1. We all do! We love teal it seems, lol Hi Sue, thanks for your visits and comments, always appreciate them.


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