
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

WOW, What a Donation for the Homeless

Look at this wonderful collection of hats and mittens!  All are tagged with size and all beautifully made.  These are from a good friend and long supporter, Sandra R from the Sunny State of Florida.  Please click the picture to see the details.  The hats are several different styles and sizes.  AND what a wonderful assortment of color.  AND you know how excited I get with mitten donations!
Sandra and her crochet hook have been very busy...just as busy as she was above with her knitting needles.  Look at this lovely corner to corner crocheted afghan.  I love the colors, and believe this works well for a male or female to wrap up in and feel loved, as well as warm.
Don't stop scrolling, she also included Scarves!  Several styles and colors here also.  Some knit and some crocheted.  

Many thanks Sandra for your thoughtful donation, please keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. That is incredible!! Such a wonderful assortment. A lot of people are going to feel warm and loved thanks to her. Outstanding!!

    1. Right you are Lisa, it is wonderful. And she is outstanding!!

  2. Wonderful donation Sandra R! The colors are good for the homeless. Everything looks so warm. More warm people!!

    1. Thank you Sue for your supportive comments and visits, always appreciated.

  3. Replies
    1. I know Cynthia, I wonder if and when she sleeps, she gets so much done.


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