
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Halloween

A few days ago I was walking through the neighborhood and spotted this.  It's a home where young children live, so I thought this was a bit scary.  It's size is over powering.  I don't know if it lights up at night, as I've not been by at night; but am curious and bet it does.  Wouldn't it frighten small children going door to door?  

Do you decorate for Halloween?  I never have beyond having a carved pumpkin on the porch when my Darling Daughter was young.  Pretty sure my Mom didn't when I was young; but it seems to be quite common now days.  This was held up by guide wires and staked into the ground in several spots.  The wires weren't very visible, I really had to look cause wondered what was keeping this in place.  Would think it might be easy to trip over if you didn't see surely it must be lite at night?

Happy Halloween, hope you all have a safe Halloween.  I've not purchased candy, don't think I had any kids last year, and maybe only 3 the year before.  The last several years have been just as light and I end up with more candy than I need or want.  I have added it to my donations with Rae in the past, but think other things are probably better.  Soooooo, unless I get nervous about it tomorrow, will probably not buy candy.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I have never seen anything like that before. I bet it does light up at night, or maybe a spotlight on it? I live in an apartment building, so I pass out candy to the children that come in to our lobby. We open up the door, so they can come in. I do have a few decorations that I put out in my living room. Happy Halloween everyone!

    1. That sounds like a good way to do it, passing things out in the lobby. Have fun and thanks for the visit.

  2. I don't decorate but I do buy candy. I usually buy too much. This year I decided to downsize and only made 30 bags plus special ones for a nephew who has allergies and my two grandchildren. In the past I've done twice that and ended up sending candy to work with hubby.

    1. Sounds like a good move Sandie. Thanks for the visit, always appreciated.


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