
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Crocheted Scarves to Wrap up the Homeless In

Thank you Sandie P for long standing support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's Homeless.  These 4 gray crocheted scarves are soooo soft.  What yarn did you use?  These neutral colored scarves will work for both men and women; both because of their color and their nice large size.  Love nice big scarves because you really can wrap up to keep warm.  

As always Sandie, thank you and please keep up the good work.

Folks...have you been watching our goals??  We're moving along nicely.  Most notably is we've past the 50% mark on afghans!!  YIPPEE, that's particularly nice because we were considerably lower last year in that area.  Very cool to see this number growing.

AND another number I'm finding fun to watch is 1925.  With this post, that's our number.  That's how many blog posts we've had here on Bridge and Beyond...only 75 away from our 2,000th blog post!  I think that's pretty exciting.  We've been at this awhile gang. 

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Happy to help! The yarn is Knit Picks Brava Bulky in Dove Heather. I used an L hook, chain of 22 and worked 113 rows if anyone has this yarn and wants to know. They are straight dc across which is my simple, quick, go to pattern. I also found the yarn very soft and cushy warm.

  2. Very nice scarves Sandie P. I really like that shade of grey. 1925 blog posts!! WOO HOO


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