
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Love, Loitering and The Law

*clicking on image takes you to the article by Ariel Aberg-Riger
Blogging in Alphabetical Order brings us to the letter L.  Doing a google search for words that start with the letter L that have a connection to Homelessness I came up with a substantial list.  Here are a few that hit me:

  • Loitering
  • Loss
  • Law
Additionally I thought of:

  • Loom
  • Love
The picture above really hit me.  Though it was made to illustrate some things that have happened lately and the law and loitering, it seemed a worthwhile graphic of the meaning of the word.  So, if you're sitting taking in sun in a one considers that loitering....unless you're sleeping there, or look to be camped there for some time.

But, Homeless often do in fact loiter.  They loiter at fast food restaurants until they are asked to leave, they loiter at libraries until they are asked to leave.   They loiter to get warm, to get out of rain, to get away from the cold, or the hot sun.  They loiter because even if they have a night in a shelter...they're not permitted to be there during the day and so have to loiter somewhere.

There are laws about loitering.  Problem is, there is so much interpretation.  

The last two times I blogged for the letter L I blogged about Looming and Love.
Clicking on the loom picture takes you to one of those posts.

LOVE...I believe everything we do here on Bridge and Beyond for the benefit of others is an expression of LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. It is to bad there is not a place the homeless could stay during the day when the weather is way to bad to be outside. Maybe someday things will get better. Love is for this group and all the people who craft warm items for the homeless.


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