
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Knitted Goodies for Homeless in Need

 Thank you Laura J for this awesome donation.  So many wonderfully knitted items.  If you scroll back a few posts, you'll see part I of her donation.  I mentioned that as part I, and to stay tuned.  Since I've been pretty immobile with my broken foot, hubby put Laura's donation in the garage the day she hand delivered to my house.  He brought in one container, and mentioned afterwards there was more.  Thus, the first post was part I.  Here now is part II, but there is more (so keep checking back).  I'm piece mealing things as I can kemp around to get them done.  Above you see a multi-colored knit afghan.  Colors suitable for anyone, male or female.  This is a very nice soft afghan and it will be truly appreciated by whomever wraps up in it.
 Here we have 4 awesome scarves. Please click to enlarge to see the wonderful detail in the green scarf!  What a pretty pattern.  And
here we have 2 nice warm and very soft shawls to help keep someone warm in when they wrap up in them.  Laura, I really like pattern of mostly garter stitches you used for both these shawls and the afghan above, but how did you get the rows?  What appears to be horizontal divides?

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What beautiful items!

    1. Right you are Lisa, and thanks for the visit and comment; both are appreciated.

  2. Very nice donation Laura J. They all look very warm.

    1. As always, thank you Sue for your tremendous support of frequent visits and comments here on the blog. I truly appreciate both.

  3. That green scarf is quite lovely! I like the others too

    1. I loved the green one too, but all are awesome.


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